Home Featured Why You Shouldn’t Bother Making Hand Sanitizer with Vodka, Mate!

Why You Shouldn’t Bother Making Hand Sanitizer with Vodka, Mate!

by suntech

Alright, listen up, me old muckers! I’ve got some important news for ya. So you know this whole hand sanitizer craze that’s been goin’ on lately? Well, let me tell ya straight: don’t even think about tryin’ to make it with vodka. It’s a right load of codswallop and here’s why.

The Real Deal on Hand Sanitizers

First things first, let’s get the facts straight. Proper hand sanitizers contain at least 60% alcohol content to effectively kill them nasty germs. Now, vodka might be your best mate when it comes to mixin’ cocktails or havin’ a good ol’ knees-up down the pub, but it just doesn’t cut the mustard in terms of alcohol content for sanitizin’. Most vodkas only have around 40% alcohol – not enough firepower to tackle those pesky viruses.

A Waste of Good Booze

Now, I dunno about you lot, but wastin’ perfectly good vodka is like sacrilege in my book! Why would ya wanna pour away somethin’ so precious when there are other options out there? Plus, if you’re usin’ cheapo vodka (we all know what I’m talkin’ about), chances are it won’t even have enough alcohol content to do any good anyway.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Matey boyo, when it comes to keepin’ yourself and others safe from germs and viruses like COVID-19 (yeah yeah we’ve all ‘eard enough about that one), trust the professionals. Stick with proper hand sanitizers recommended by health authorities. They’ve been tested and proven to do the job right, so why mess about with DIY concoctions that might not even work?

Conclusion: Leave the Vodka for a Proper Drink

So there ya ‘ave it, me old china plates! Don’t waste your time, effort, or precious vodka tryin’ to make hand sanitizer. It’s just not worth it. Instead, keep washin’ those mitts with good ol’ soap and water whenever possible and use proper hand sanitizers when you’re on the go. Stay safe out there!

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